
Articles de cette rubrique

  • La critique des 2nde 8

    The Pearl, a story by John Steinbeck, adapted by the theatre company ACT was performed on January 8th in Palaiseau. The novel tells the story of Kino, a Mexican pearl diver. This young man is married to Juana, and they have a son, Coyotito. It isn’t a wealthy family, but (...)

  • Is London growing too high ?

    Is London growing too high ?
    There are many skyscrapers and high buildings in London, and some are still being built.
    I think it reflects the very important economic and business side of the city and it gives a modern image.
    However I don’t really like the impression given by all these (...)

  • Articles de la 2nde 1

    The story :
    A group of eleven teens are stranded on a desert island without grown-ups. During the play we can see how they organize their life on the island, and the separation between two groups. Their adventure changes into a nightmare after the arrival of a strange (...)

  • Les critiques de la 2nde Européenne

    The Picture of Dorian Gray adapted by Théâtre en anglais
    Reviewed by the European section (2° 8) Some liked the play… Charlie
    I enjoyed this play because all the actors played very well and I laughed a lot. This play was very interesting because of the contrast between the personality of (...)

  • The Pearl

    Sortie théâtre The Pearl
    Le 8 janvier 2010, cent vingt élèves ont pu voir une adaptation de la nouvelle de Steinbeck The Pearl par la compagnie britannique AcT.
    En 1°L, la préparation de cette sortie a été faite en cours d’anglais sous la forme d’exposés pris en charge les élèves. Chaque (...)